Homeschooling This Year? Here Are 5 Tips!
This crazy time of uncertainty can leave you unprepared and frustrated, especially if you've decided to teach your kids at home. Juggling work, meals, taking care of the kids, and now teaching can be tough! If you’ve decided to home-school your kids this year, don’t stress, we’ve got some tips for you!
1. Set up a dedicated school room
Dedicate a specific place in your house for school time. Separating your living space from learning space will keep them more focused. The dining room is always a good place to do this.
2. Create your own routine
Since your kids won’t be on their normal classroom schedule, they still need some structure. The good news is you don’t have to be confined to specific times which allows you to plan around work schedules, mealtimes, and anything else. Set a schedule that works best for you and create your own new routine.
3.Stay connected with teachers
If your kid’s teachers are just an email away, don’t hesitate to reach out. They might need some extra help, encouragement, or clarification. You might even have some questions yourself.
4. Avoid unrealistic expectations
Set reasonable goals and expectations. It can be challenging for both you and your child during these circumstances, so don’t think you have to do it all. Do the best you can!
5. Check in with your kids
Balance is the key in these circumstances. Keep them in their routine but also make time for creativity and outdoor activities. This is just as challenging for them as it is for you. Keep them updated and make sure they are doing okay through all of this!
Find more tips at DeVry University and VCU News.
We hope these tips have helped and we hope you stay safe and healthy!
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